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Openings may occur in any given academic year, so interested applicants are always encouraged to submit resumes and letters of interest. We begin to post vacancies for the following school year in January. We hope to complete our hiring by May or June, but sometimes we are not able to complete the process until later in the summer.

Positions Available​


Marin Horizon School (Mill Valley)


Director of Finance & Operations

Seventh and Eighth Grade Science Teacher

Middle School Math Teacher

Lower School Associate Teacher

Lower School Spanish Teacher

Lower School Music Teacher

Lead Primary (ages 3-5) Teacher

Substitute Teacher (All Grades and Levels)

Extended Day Teacher


Horizon Community School (Marin City)

Horizon Community School Primary Assistant

Horizon Community School Early Childhood Learning/Resource Specialist

How to Apply


Resumes and cover letters should be emailed to, or the email indicated in the job listing.

Please paste your resume and letter of interest into the body of an email, or attach Microsoft Word, text, or PDF files. Please indicate the position for which you are applying in the subject line of the email.

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